“The Joy of...SUFFERING?!”

1Peter 3:14-17; 4:12-19 Nov.20, 2005  Play video

Prepared for the Worst

•     difficult to relate to our brothers throughout world suffering (5:9)
•     Peter well qualified: jailed, imprisoned, martyred (Ac 4:3,21; 5:33,40; 12:4,11)
1.    Prior Engagement:
    •     set apart Christ as Lord; Christ lives in me (3:14f; Gal 2:20)
    •     commit selves to Creator (4:19)
2.    Incarnational Identity:
    •     participate in Christ's sufferings, bear His name (4:13,16)
    •     complete what's lacking in Christ's sufferings (Col 1:24)
    •     nearly-murdered Colombian shows fearless love, totally yielded
3.    Unassailable Innocence:
    •     clear conscience, good behaviour, not murderer or meddler (3:15-17, 4:15,19)
    •     practical love of Sri Lankan Christians overcoming Buddhist opposition
4.    Realistic Expectation:
    •     not surprised at painful trial: Destroyer prowls like a roaring lion (4:12; 5:8; Jn 10:10)
5.    Puzzling Hope:
    •     others ask reason for our hope: unusual reaction to difficulty (3:15)
    •     testimony of Korean pastor impresses Chinese interrogator

Results of Resistance

1.    Unquenchable Blessing:
    •     rejoice when suffering, overjoyed when Christ’s glory revealed (4:13f)
    •     blessed because Spirit of glory rests on you (3:14)
    •     Pakistan woman radiates delight in God despite burns
2.    Almighty Reinforcement:
    •     God will restore & make strong (5:10)
    •     love of Christ in nun gave her strength to cope with nursing load
3.    Ultimate Vindication:
    •     accusers will be ashamed; disobedient face judgment (3:16; 4:17)
    •     great white throne awaits; crown of life for the faithful (Rev 20:11ff; 2:10)

From Persecutor to Praising Christ

•     Muslim imam in Nigeria confronted by Christ in dream
•     now Fulani missionary reaching those like he once was

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