“Micah's Challenge to Be Just & Kind”

Micah 6:1-8  October 30, 2005  Play video

Challenged but Hopeful

•    now possible to ‘Make Hunger History’
•    Micah challenged those finding pleasure but sinning

Corruption All Over

•    military & economic success in 8th Century BC but ‘wound incurable’ (1:9)
•    cities centred out as source of sin (1:5b)
•    rulers, judges unjust & corrupt (3:1f; 7:3)
•    passersby exploited; wrong to trust in chariots, strongholds (2:8; 5:10f)
•    wealthy landowners covet & seize fields, e.g. Ahab / Naboth (2:1f,9; 7:3; 1Kings 21)
•    merchants dishonest in trading - false weights (6:10f)
•    religious leaders out for profit; witchcraft allowed (2:11; 3:5,11; 5:12)
•    not one upright person left; hunt brother with net, no trust in family (7:2,5f)
•    parallels in our society: Gomery, Clinton, Stewart, NAFTA, BSE, occult
•    family breakdown; assaults on police up dramatically

Sam(aria) I Am

•    international imbalance in loans received / debt repayment; trade rules
•    only 12/22 donor countries on track for 0.7% of GNP to aid by 2015, not incl. Canada

What God Requires

•    courtroom argument: unfair treatment in view of God’s provision (6:1-5)
•    inappropriate to just offer animals or sacrifice offspring like pagans (6:6f; 2Kings 3:27; 16:3; 21:6; 2Chron 28:3; Lev 18:21)
•    act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God (6:8)
•    concern for brother / neighbour expected since Abel (Gen 4:9f; Lev 19:18; Mt 22:39)
•    law of Moses emphasized cutting slack for poor / alien / fatherless / widow (Deut 24:10-22)

Being a Blessing

•    Economist Jeffrey Sachs: 2005 pivotal year, breakthroughs possible
•    pray, spend time with God: satisfied by spiritual rather than material
•    act justly: MicahChallenge.org or MakePovertyHistory.ca – better aid, trade justice, debt relief
•    love mercy: e.g. World Partners Relief & Development projects; foodgrainsbank.ca

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