“What's a Spiritual Gift FOR?”

1Cor.12:1-11 (Eph.4:7-16) October 23, 2005  Play video

Hungry Hurricanes

•    Wilma, Katrina, Rita devastating
•    sinful desires have damaging consequences every day
•    Paul wanted early church not to be blown about, led astray (Eph 4:14; 1Cor 10:19)

The Holy Helper

•    Jesus promised would send Counsellor / Helper, for every believer (Jn 14:16; Ac 2; 1Cor 12:7; Rom 8:2,9,15)
•    Purposes:
    •    1) honours Jesus: as Lord, brings glory to Him (1Cor 12:3; Jn 16:14)
    •    2) displays God's creative diversity through many different gifts (4-6)
    •    3) helps church become fully functional
•    for the common good (7); builds up / edifies / strengthens (14:4f,12,17,26; Eph 4:16)
•    instructed & encouraged (14:31); prepared / furnished (Eph 4:12); unity (Eph 4:13)
•    mature, whole measure of Christ's fullness (Eph 4:13; 1Cor 12:17); grow up, as each part does its work (Eph 4:15f)


•    extraordinary confidence in God that is unshakable by situations
•    Hebrews 11; Matthew 17:20; Acts 27:21-25; Rom 4:18-21


•    taking care of lowly or time-consuming tasks
•    Gal 6:2,10; 2Tim 1.16-18; Mk 15:40f; Ac 9:36; Rom 16:1f


•    understand and communicate the Christian faith
•    Acts 18:24-28; 20:20f; Eph 4:11ff; James 3:1


•    detect material or financial needs and meet these with Spirit-inspired generosity
•    Mk 12:41-44; Acts 4:34-37; 2Cor; 2Cor 9:8-11


•    "shepherd" an individual or community of Christian believers
•    John 10:1-18; 1Tim 3:1-7; 1Pet 5:1-3
•    saving figure in Hotel Rwanda: compassion on the harassed & helpless (Mt 9:36)

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