“Have a Gift? Use It!”

Romans 12:1-8 October 16, 2005  Play video

The Missing Members Handicap

•    hospital patients adjust to differences in body condition
•    church a ‘body' not a corporation

Changed by God's Rich Grace

•    power theme throughout Romans: gospel of Jesus God's power to save (1:4,16)
•    offer body parts as instruments of righteousness, controlled by God (6:13; 8:2,9)
•    offer bodies ‘in view of God's mercy': Gentiles benefitted from Jews' resistance (12:1; 11:11,25-36)
•    not CONformed to world's pattern, but TRANSformed in mind (12:2)

Rightly Evaluating Oneself

•    used to comparing ourselves, from picking teams to applying for jobs
•    Corinthians upbraided for boasting about gifts, disorderly worship (1Cor 4:7; 14:26)
•    have sober judgment rather than conceit (12:3)
•    spiritual gift inventories assist in evaluation
•    members of body are interdependent, work together (4f)

"Just Do It!"

•    apply gifts to prophesy, serve, teach, encourage, etc. (6-9)
•    how carried out important: generously, diligently, cheerfully
•    relationship between gifts [charismata] and grace [charis]: ‘gracings' of Jesus to touch others' lives
•    tools from heaven to ‘finish the job' in war with the enemy

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