“Bun-dled Together: Recognizing the Lord's Body”

1Cor.11:17-34 October 2, 2005  Play video

A Too-rare Act of Unselfishness

•    altruism in rescuing Air France passengers unexpected

Selfishness vs.Sacrament: ‘Stretch Or Starve'

•    differences over ‘closed' communion destroyed oneness
•    immaturity in Corinth: not waiting for others at ‘love-feast' (v20)

A Predominant Problem for Young Christians

•    boast in Lord not divisions; what God's freely given; belong to Christ (1:10f,31; 2:12; 3:4ff,16,23)
•    not take pride in one person but be humble; don't defend immorality; everything permissible not beneficial (4:6; 5:2; 6:6,12,18)
•    selflessness in marriage, not making others stumble; seek other's good (7:4; 9:3,12f,15,19; 10:6,23f,29)
•    submission in worship and gender roles; use gifts for common good (11:3,11; 12:7; 14:4,33,40)
•    love chapter sums up unselfishness (13:4f)
•    enemy's goal: selfishness sows dissension in the ranks, disrupt team's effectiveness

The Key to Self-Control: ‘Re-member Me'

•    context of Lord's Supper tradition: not waiting, irreverent atmosphere (21,33)
•    Jesus' body & blood given for us the ultimate unselfishness, impacts us
•    bun-dled together like rolls in pan: won't separate without tearing, one batch
•    judge self: relationship to God and to other believers

Snow Walker: Saved Inuit-style

•    rescuing pilot is in turn rescued by tuberculosis sufferer

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