“Fool$ Build on Flood Plain$”

Matt.6:1-4,19-24,7:24-27 September 18, 2005  Play video

Help in Life's Hurricanes

•    life precious in view of life's pressures
•    environment threatens: rain, winds (7:25)
•    people: thieves steal (6:20)
•    find security: choice between God and Money (6:24)
•    can take nothing out of world (1Tim 6:6f)
•    status-seekers do works to be seen by others (6:1)
•    foolish to build in disaster-prone locations, or on human wisdom

Founded on the Rock

•    with mind: put Jesus' words into practice (7:24; Jn 13:17)
•    persistence of Terry Fox brought honour, one step at a time
•    with eyes: good eyes bring light into us (6:22f)
•    love of money / greed  - destruction, griefs (1Tim 6:9f)
•    with hands: give to needy, in secret, freely (6:2ff, 10:8

Secure in the Storm, Loosening Our Grip

•    sudden firing of CN V-P taught trust in God (Is 50:10)
•    Health Partners International Canada position resulted, rewarding

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