“Making Light of Good Deeds”

Matthew 5:13-16 August 21, 2005  Play video

And Now the News - in 3-D

•    eager to know our identity and impact
•    3-D news: death, decay, darkness

Saltier Salt

•    “salt of the earth” mustn’t lose its saltiness (5:13)
•    pure: redeemed by Jesus, purified through faith & His blood (Ti 2:14; Ac 15:9; 1Jn 1:7)
•    precious: “salary” now spread on roads; God’s dearly loved children, love lavished on us (Eph 5:1; 1Jn 3:1)
•    potent - brings out true flavour: serves what’s being salted; people can trust the faithful
•    preservative: stopped spoilage; conversation full of grace (Col 4:6)

Night-lights Protect from Stumbling

•    even tiny LEDs chase away darkness
•    “light of the world”: cities shine as points of reference (5:14)
•    Jesus true Light of the world, gives light to people, become “sons of light” (Jn 8:12; 1:4,9f; 12:36; 1Jn 1:5; Eph 5:14)
•    shine like stars amidst depraved generation (Php 2:15)
•    lamp put on stand, not hidden under bowl: useful, guiding, offer truth (5:15; Eph 5:8ff)
•    better fare than murderer’s books on death & divination
•    not calling attention to self but help others see

God's Glory Shines through Good Deeds

•    good deeds shine, prompt praise to God (5:16; 1Pet 2:12)
•    good works follow salvation, not means to be saved (Eph 2:10)
•    rich in good deeds, eager, devoted, spurring others on; e.g. Dorcas (1Tim 6:18; Ti 2:14, 3:8; Heb 10:24; Ac 9:36ff; 1Tim 5:10)
•    examples: skatepark initiative; taking to lunch; camp for disabled; trust fund for widow
•    Eleanor Josaitis, Focus: Hope – volunteers overcoming racism & poverty

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