“Are You Showing Signs of Life?”

Mt.7:15-23 August 7, 2005  Play video

Alive & Well in the Great Outdoors

•    camping makes aware of life all around
•    Jesus offers life to the full (Jn 14:6; 10:10; 1:4)
•    God in mercy made us alive with Christ, when were dead in sin (Eph 2:1-5)
•    “MRS GREN” reminder of 7 signs of life


•    turn to God from wicked ways and live (Is 45:22; Ezek 33:11)
•    Jesus invites to repent and follow Him (Mt 4:17,19)
•    change in habits: sharing, not extorting (Lk 3:10-14)


•    mitochondria burn air & solids to produce energy
•    Holy Spirit our air supply: keep on being filled, to produce fruit (Eph 5:18; Gal 5:16,22f, 25)
•    guard against worries & wealth that choke (Mt 13:22)


•    intimacy in relationship: “I never knew you” (Mt 7:23)
•    no fruit if disconnected from the vine; sheep listen to shepherd’s voice (Jn 15:4ff; 10:27)
•    listening ear each morning (Is 50:4)
•    love responds to needs of other people, e.g. AIDS sufferers (1Jn 3:17)


•    good tree has product of good fruit; mustard seed, yeast grow  (7:17; 13:31ff)
•    make every effort to increase in goodness, self-control, perseverance, etc. (2Pet 1:3-7)
•    growth especially evident in small groups / multiplication


•    fruit reveals origin: not grapes from thornbushes (7:16)
•    Great Commission: make disciples (Mt 28:19)
•    fruit of a church is another ...............
•    find opportunities to expose children / grandchildren to faith invitations – Family Camp, concerts


•    system turns toxic unless by-products excreted
•    judgment awaits unless bear good fruit: “Away from Me!” (7:19, 23)
•    deal radically with sin; Jesus takes away our sin, cleanses (Mt 5:30; Jn 1:29; 1Jn 1:9; Ps 65:3)
•    forgive others in turn, lest bitterness poison and impair us


•    need food intake in order to survive
•    Jesus “bread of life”, “living water” eliminating hunger / thirst (Jn 6:35; 4:14; 7:37f)
•    nutrition through obeying God’s word: doing His will “food” (Jn 4:34; Mt 7:21)
•    Scripture equips for good work; treasure God’s words, like spiritual milk that helps us grow up (2Tim 3:16f; Job 23;12; 1Pet 2:2)

Change for the Better

•    negative effects upon couple by drugs, suicidal tendencies
•    news about Christ brings freedom for street people / addicts in Calgary

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